Reflecting on my time at Mt Binga
Hello my name is Brendan
In October last year I went on an amazing 4 week camp to Mt Binga. I enjoyed the experience and thought it was great. The questions in my mind before leaving were very short lived. My biggest question was how was I going to do this without being with my regular teachers. Once I arrived at Binga and got to know the amazing leaders and learnt more about amazing times ahead I soon began to feel more relaxed. I soon began to focus on how my cabin buddies, fellow students and I could make the most of this experience.
Life in the country is the best and although the challenges ahead were going to try us, the Binga staff were there to guide us. The staff got to know us and our personalities. They didn’t try to change us but they did challenge and encourage us when necessary to help us get the most out of the Binga experience. Friendships were looked at from a different perspective at Binga and mentally we needed to get each other through using encouragement and building on other characteristics and skills. It brought new positives such as cooking, hiking, daily chores and letter writing which was very rare for me. My adventure was truly something I will never forget. I love the outdoors learning environment and this is where my true colours shine.
I was excited about Binga and it was even more than I had hoped. I was sad to leave at the end of the experience because I had developed such great relationships with the Binga staff.
When you go to Binga make the most of it and work to make it productive and fun for everyone.